Patricia Chu
I’m a Product Designer based in New York, passionate about crafting impactful experiences that drive user satisfaction and business growth. With over 15 years of experience across industries, I’ve designed everything from intuitive micro-interactions and adaptable components to robust applications and seamless digital ecosystems.
Art and design has been part of my life since childhood. My father and older brothers were avid painters inspired from Chinese masters and Bob Ross alike. As a child, I vividly remember making Christmas trees from hangers and plastic garment bags and glueing buttons of different sizes and colors to make multimedia paintings. Materials such as those were abundant since my parents worked in garment factories.
I majored in art while attending LaGuardia HS, the “Fame” school. There, I was introduced to graphic design and photography which became my trade tools throughout my college years. I started my own side business building websites while at Cornell University…and here I am today, still doing what I love.
Outside of work I try to spend as much time as I can outdoors with my family. If I can have any special skills I would love to be able to fly like an eagle and swim like a dolphin.